I don't believe I've mentioned it on here before but this summer I am working for Professor Rick Garnett, who teaches here at NDLS. He also posts at the inimitable Mirror of Justice Blog (mirrorofjustice.blogs.com) which, if you were interested, should give you some idea of his areas of interest. I've enjoyed work so far insofar as it is interesting as well as less time consuming than finals preparation.
In my off time, those of you who know me should know that I will always be enthralled with my two great (one much less than the other) passions: my wife and golf. Marie is progressing quite nicely with her pregnancy, entering third trimester tomorrow! She is chugging along and trying to cope with the summer heat (aren't we all?) especially right now, since we're in the middle of a heat wave. (96 on Wednesday forecast; ugh.) She absolutely glows and is as beautiful as I've ever seen her, which is saying a lot. Someday we should put up a picture of her baby bump. At the rate we move, that should be about when the Bean is two years old.
There's a 9-hole course here at ND which offers season passes to students, so I get unlimited
We spent a week in Massachusetts after school for my sister-in-law Sara's high school graduation. She's going to TAC next year, but that's all I'll say about her, because let's face it, you guys didn't come here to read about her. Anyway, Massachusetts was great, and it's always wonderful to see Marie's family. Now we just have to get to Florida. (I know, Mom.) Maybe in the winter; I'm tired of the heat.
This rough outline of my life recently brings me to the present day. Summer is in full swing and we are loving it. We spend the evenings relaxing and taking care of Marie's garden, of which she has pictures (hint, hint, honey) and the weekends doing whatsoever we please, which is, again, a welcome change. Hope that all of you are well, and enjoying your lives as much as we are! Please write to us or visit. We love to hear from you. (Except you, Quinan.)
I love that you have unlimited golf!
ReplyDeleteI love that I'm only just NOW reading this particular blog post (specifically: that last sentence), over two weeks AFTER visiting you. :)