The last post by either of us was March 18th, 10 days ago. Since then, we have finished spring break, gone back to work/school, and immediately been sucked back into the morass of life. That makes it sound a lot worse than it actually is, but I'll stick with it!
My recovery is more or less complete at this point. the stitches fell off my stomach on Saturday, 9 days after they went on, so I am theoretically no longer hindered by them. I can still feel the scar tissue there, though, and I have a follow up appointment later on this week, so I'm going to try not to overexert myself before then. I have been feeling a little cooped up, since I literally have hardly moved at all in the last 11 days, especially in the early part. No more pain either, though, which is nice. Today is the 2nd Monday after spring break; classes continue to slip by seemingly without event as we all look forward to Easter and then Summer break.
This past weekend I was involved in the 1L Oral argument tournament, an annual event which any first year students can enter and pits teams of two against each other in a single elimination format over two weekends. In each round you go before a panel of 3 judges and present an appellate argument and face questions for 15 minutes. From ~45 teams, 8 remain and will argue in the quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals this coming weekend. My partner and I were eliminated in the round of 16 last night. It was a close decision, we were told, and one which all of the participants felt could have gone either way, but Julie and Isy (our opponents) were very deserving, so we couldn't be too upset about losing to them. Besides, this means I will not have to prepare for another round during the week and therefore will have more free time (ha ha.) It was a lot of fun and a really good experience, even though I suspect that I will not go into litigation.
That is mostly what consumed my life over the past week, along with making sure my stomach didn't burst open. Marie unfortunately had the flu on Saturday and this, in addition to the remnants of morning sickness, was enough to more or less incapacitate her. She is also on the recovery track, and I don't envy her for having to go through both of those at the same time! She is also back to nannying (she had spring break off also, since her "boss" is a student) and I'm not sure how she feels about that. Ask her, I'm sure she'll be happy to tell you.

On the less mundane side of things, Friday night we went to the Notre Dame Glee Club's spring concert, which was fantastic. The Glee Club is going on a European tour this year, so many European folk songs were performed, in addition to sacred music and barbershop. Allow me to point out at this time that I hate the stupid "tradition" (It's not that old) of standing and swaying for the alma mater. I can barely tolerate it at football games but it really annoys me at concerts, masses, etc. when a couple people initiate it and then try to guilt the rest of us into doing it. I will now exit grumpy old man mode.
It's amazing how life just always stays one step ahead of you. Marie and I had the previous referenced plans to clean up the apartment and have the proverbial place for everything, with everything in its place, at the end of spring break. Of course, then I got appendicitis and everything went out the window (I'm a real jerk about that stuff.) Nonetheless, it's just amazing how there is something to fill just about all of every day. Yet we still manage to love living in South Bend and sharing a sometimes ridiculous experience together.
I suppose it helps to be married to your best friend. At least, that's how I feel about it.
Pax Christi!
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